sbitset.h: bit set (bit array)

Functions allowing bit random access storage and bit counting. Bit counting is optimized so, instead of per-call 'poppulation count', it takes O(1) for the computation, as a record of bit set/clear is kept.

 sb_alloc  sb_capacity  sb_dup  sb_popcount  sb_reset  sb_test 
 sb_alloca  sb_clear  sb_free  sb_reserve  sb_set 

srt_bitset *sb_alloc(size_t initial_num_elems_reserve)

srt_bitset *sb_alloca(size_t initial_num_elems_reserve)

size_t sb_capacity(const srt_bitset *b)

void sb_clear(srt_bitset *b)

srt_bitset *sb_dup(const srt_bitset *src)

srt_bitset *sb_free(srt_bitset **b, ...)

size_t sb_popcount(const srt_bitset *b)

size_t sb_reserve(srt_bitset **b, size_t max_elems)

void sb_reset(srt_bitset **b, size_t nth)

void sb_set(srt_bitset **b, size_t nth)

int sb_test(const srt_bitset *b, size_t nth)